I came across this article written by Erin Brereton which published by TY Beanies & more(The Magazine For Collectors) in January/February 2004 on how to take care your Beanie tag from falling off.
" A missing tag can devalue a Beanie by 50 percent, so if one of those beloved heart-shaped TY labels happens to come loose, you're in a heap of tag trouble. But don't panic. You can easily restore your Beanie to its fantastic, full price glory. Luckily, there are several companies that sell machines to put that tag right back on, such as Texpak Inc., located in Franklin Square, New York. Texpak was founded in 1934 and specializes in product identification and packaging specialties and also offers a small, lighweight device that can be used to affix TY tags onto Beanie ears. "It's called a tag-attaching tool,"says Steven Kunreuther, Texpak president and co-owner. "It does do the trick." The easy to use machine, along with fasteners, shipping and handling, costs about $15. For information on Texpak's version, email bea@texpak.com. In some cases Beanie hang tags are removed so that the Beanie can be photographed. The is why some Beanies have tags that seem to be attached lower than normal or even on different ears. If you plan to remove your Beanie's hang tag, in order to retain your Beanie's value, make sure to reattach it exactly where you removed it from. Always use a plastic connector of the same color."
For Malaysia Beanie Collectors out there, you may easily buy the tagging gun approximately at RM 50.00 to RM 60.00together with the fastener at any hardware shop. The tagging gun looks like a glue gun and is small and lightweight. You might not be able to get the fastener in red but I guess the white one should be alright.
There is another way to protect the heart-shaped tag is by using the Tag Protector. Each packet contains of 10 pcs. Is heart shape, the cover embossed with TY logo, easy open tabs, durable hinges, dual engineered, custom designed closure device, custom designed slot for plastic swift-wire, acid free, archival safe and it protect from harmful UV rays. All you have to do is :-
Step 1 : Carefully place the TY Heart Protector behind your Beanie Babies hang tag. Be sure to keep the end of the plastic swift tag inside the TY Heart Protector.
Step 2 : Fold the inner flap down and secure it by locking the tabs into place. You will hear a snapping sound when they are locked in place. Repeat for other side.
Step 3 : Fold left side of the TY Heart Protector over(left to right) and snap it shut by pressing down on the edge of the protector with right hand.
The retail price of this Heart Protector is RM 19.90 for 10 pcs. Currently there are two shops who are selling, i.e Toon Shoope and Twin Twinkle Gift Shop at Midland Park Penang. Toon Shoppe is located at 488 B-04-09 One Stop Midlands Park, Jalan Burma, 10350 Georgetown, Penang. The owner is Mr Felix Thong. Whilst, Twin Twinkle Gift Shop is located at the same shopping complex but different floor, the lot number is 488 B-02-25, the owner is Mr Goh. Both owners is also friendly, helpful and nice to chat with. They have many years of experiences in selling TY plush toys and might give you some helpful and useful tips !
If you prefer to get it from TY office directly, please contact them at tykl@tymal.com.my. They might charge a aforable delivery charges for sending the protector.